FINRA BrokerCheck® is a free online tool that helps investors check the professional background of current and former FINRA-registered securities firms and brokers.
Features of FINRA BrokerCheck include:
- Search capabilities for both a broker and brokerage firm
- Online delivery of a report on a broker or brokerage firm
- Explanatory information to help investors better understand the content, context and source of the information provided
- Links to additional resources and tools
The information available through FINRA BrokerCheck is derived from the Central Registration Depository (CRD®), the securities industry online registration and licensing database, as reported on industry registration/licensing forms that brokers, brokerage firms and regulators complete. BrokerCheck features professional background information on approximately 665,000 currently registered brokers and 5,100 currently registered securities firms. Information also is available on thousands of formerly registered firms and brokers.
For questions regarding BrokerCheck, FINRA provides a toll-free hotline, (800) 289-9999, available 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. E.T., Monday through Friday.